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  • background
    Welcome to Brain Tumour Foundation
    of India
    The Brain Tumour Foundation is a charity, concerned with improving
    the care and treatment available to people with brain tumour and their
    families. We work in partnership with other organisations to develop
    and support services for people with brain tumour. We hope to help all
    patients in and around Bombay and expand our services to involve the
    whole country.....
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    Doctors in Brain Tumour Foundation
    Of India
    A dedicated multidisciplinary team comprising radiation oncologists,
    neurosurgeons, neuroOncologists, neuropathologists, neuroradiologists
    and peadiatric oncologists is on the BTF panel.....
  • background
    Patient in Brain Tumour Foundation
    Of India
    The mere thought of someone close harbouring a brain tumour is devastating.
    Besides most brain tumour victims are children or adults in their prime of life.
    This not only makes it more poignant....
  • background
    BTF - Brain Tumour Foundation
    of India
    The Brain Tumour Foundation is a charity, concerned with improving
    the care and treatment available to people with brain tumour and their
    families. We work in partnership with other organisations....

About Us :-

The Brain Tumour Foundation is a charity, concerned with improving the care and treatment available to people with brain tumour and their families. We work in partnership with other organisations to develop and support services for people with brain tumour. We hope to help all patients in and around Bombay and expand our services to involve the whole country.In these pages you will find information about resources available for brain tumour patients in India, breakthroughs in the field of brain tumour diagnoses and treatment, a network of volunteers and doctors you can consult. We're here to help you help your patients. The Foundation offers funds for treatment and care of brain tumour patients in financial need. It also funds research, nursing, and medical education programmes.Apart from the oncologists and other experts available for consultation, specialists in brain tumour care at the Foundation also include the BTF Support Team members. Readmore

Photo Gallery :-

Our Sponsors :-

BTF Greeting Cards for the year 2016 :-

This year, Brain Tumour Foundation (Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai) have printed 20,000 Seasons Greeting Cards for New Year 2016. If you & your companies are interested in buying these cards, please contact Ms. Nayana ( +91 98 3372 6568 ) / 2471 7000 Ext. 6017/6020 (P.A. to Dr. Tejpal Gupta)

Enquiry form

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